· Alfa Romeo 159~ 3.2 Q4 (4-wheel drive)
o When you slide into this particular Alfa and start it up, you get the lasting rumble of the V6 engine, and a certain thrill about the car. On the outside, the sharp looks and masculine rims help to make the 159 more ‘powerful’. Step into the car, and you find that the dashboard, along with the center console has a neat and clean finish, with relatively easy buttons. The leather has an expensive touch to it, and comes in multiple colors. Out on the road, the needle in the section that says ‘turbo’ jumps to life every time you floor the accelerator, and it produces a warm purring sound that plasters a silly grin on your face. Overall, the car is relatively quiet, and little noise can be heard inside the car, especially when the standard Bose speakers are used. This is a car best suited for the roads of Switzerland, where the snow, twists and turns help bring out the best traits.
o Picture from:
o For more information and pictures you can visit:
· Lexus LS600HL
o Stunning. Luxurious. Wow. This is the absolute power car—one that leaves your business associates drooling at the curves and superb workmanship of the car. The car is longer than the standard LS460, and can outrun it too. Inside the car, the LEXUS touch screen system is easy, and pleasant to look at. The L in Lexus definitely stands for luxury, and you get full leather seats, steering wheel, gearshift, armrests, glove box… the list goes on! As a passenger at the back, you get the luxury of enjoying the standard DVD player, legroom, ottoman chairs, and the incredible Mark Levinson speakers. This car is immensely quite, and still manages to leap forward like a shark, at every green light. The quality finish in this car is non-debatable, and will make you feel comfortable and fresh, every time you get out.
o Picture from:
o http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.newcarscollection.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/2009-lexus-ls-600hl.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.newcarscollection.com/2009-lexus-ls-600h-l/&usg=__iMI2NEIBNDyWhtIJXlz2WJTZZGs=&h=315&w=500&sz=41&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=kCYtsdfLbkcFGM:&tbnh=138&tbnw=202&ei=cZRgTeqfJIrsvQOws6XdAg&prev=/images%3Fq%3DLexus%2Bls600h%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26biw%3D1272%26bih%3D621%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=950&vpy=136&dur=7865&hovh=178&hovw=283&tx=147&ty=96&oei=RJRgTb7aL4zUvQP025DFAQ&page=1&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0
· Porsche 911 Turbo:
o All you need to do in this car is: step in and drive. Ignore the glitzy technical options that the car has—just press hard on the accelerator, and you receive a throaty growl, and jet equivalent thrust. The looks of a 911 have pretty much always been the same, which is GOOD. The bold front, wide rear, wide arches for the 18in. rims, and the twin exhausts on each side of the rear exude one word: speed. If you’re in for a drag race, or if you’re running from the cops, then this is the perfect car for you—any day, anytime. (Not a car for the faint-hearted
o Picture from:
o http://www.deshow.net/d/file/car/2009-08/porsche-911-turbo-2010-661-2.jpg
· Mercedes Benz E-class
o This car is major improvements in both build quality and ride performance from the previous generation. On the outside, a sharp and boxy, masculine front and end has been added, compared to the round edges of the previous model. On the avant-garde model, the LED daytime running lights enhance the ferociousness of the car. On the inside, ARTICO man-made leather help to give the car a softer touch, with the patterns different for the classic / avant-garde model. The command system used in this car is simple to use, and is perfect for those who aren’t extremely tech-savvy. Although a junior to an S-class, this car provides around the same safety features and technology that it’s big brothers would. Those models running on the 1796cc turbocharged, blue-efficiency engine has proven sufficient to pull the car forward, but not as alive or fun as the V6/V8’s.

o Personal advice: go for the E300 avant-garde with the dark grey birds eye maple wood trim. Forget the AMG kit, it’s just not worth it.
o Picture from:
o http://exoticcarrentals-lasvegas.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/2010-e-class-mercedes.jpg
· Audi A4:
o A major step-up in looks, performance, and fuel economy, compared to all the previous models. This car uses the new TFSI engines. Available with Quattro (4-wheel drive), and a choice of engines from the standard 1.8T~3.2FSI engines, you most certainly can pick and choose. The boot can snuggly fit 2 golf bags, and the rear legroom is decent enough for 2 adults, and 1 teenager. Up in the front, the standard car comes with brushed aluminum trim, full leather seats, gearshift, steering wheel, and the new MMI system, which is surprisingly simple to use! This car comes with 3 drive options: comfort, dynamic, and auto. In comfort mode, the car suddenly feels ‘softer’, and driving is even more relaxing than normal. Hit the dynamic mode, and the engine roars to life: hitting 7 rpms has never been easier/quicker! This is a great car to start with (new or used) if you earn a decent pay, and long for dynamic driving!

o Personal advice: go for the 1.8T~ it costs the least, and has more than enough punch to it.
o Picture from:
o http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A2KJkK7Ll2BN61QAUOuJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBqamdoM3Q5BHBvcwMxMgRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZAM-/SIG=1i61n6msl/EXP=1298204747/**http%3a//images.search.yahoo.com/images/view%3fback=http%253A%252F%252Fimages.search.yahoo.com%252Fsearch%252Fimages%253Fp%253Daudi%252Ba4%252B2011%2526ei%253Dutf-8%2526y%253DSearch%26w=1024%26h=768%26imgurl=number1leasing.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2010%252F07%252FAudi_A4_10_1.jpg%26rurl=http%253A%252F%252Fnumber1leasing.com%252Farchives%252F461%26size=157KB%26name=2011%2bAudi%2bA4%2b%252428...%26p=audi%2ba4%2b2011%26oid=dc11557bd80deaf9f2ff9f491a6c2e0d%26fr2=%26no=12%26tt=16100%26sigr=116eev7md%26sigi=11uh876k2%26sigb=12dkb0vcr%26.crumb=tW859gJCA9/